Secret to have Influential Leadership in a Speech

Do you believe to know what it takes to become a great leader? At Masterclass Training we’ve deciphered the key points to what it takes to become the great leader and how to be more influential.

Leadership is not about command and being in authority”, Kouzes and Posner outline this in detail in The Leadership Challenge ® and they could not have been more right. An important characteristic of leadership that is mandatory is being a trustworthy person. In order to be perceived as such, one must give off the perception and emit credibility through their speech and their character.

How often do you hear a politician say “I believe on this… I want to do this…” but in fact the lack of emotions in their tone makes you feel mislead or deceived? The answer is way too often, right? This tends to lead a person to naturally wonder why they hadn’t practised more thoroughly and leaves an audience thinking why doesn’t the speaker believe their own words; am I supposed to believe them?

This will result in losing control of the stage and the audience. By adding emotional emphasis to particular words or having the right tone when discussing specific topics can have a fundamental change to how much of an impact a speech can be. Exceeding your audience expectations will always win you some hearts.

Elements that intrinsically affect results in a speech are – non-verbal communication, the tone of your speech and the speaker’s words. By being in total control of these three elements, you will be able to maximise your impact and have a greater influence on the actions lead to the outcome of a speech.

If these three elements are vital in influencing the decision-making process of an individual, then as an aspired leader, this should make you want to work on these. The tone of your voice can positively affect the way a person responds to you by demonstrating clarity, reassurance, control and warmth.

So now that you know the secret to delivering a more influential speech, are you ready to put in the work to better those three elements?